So, now that you have found this corner of the interwebs, you might be wondering who I think I am. This is the section most likely to change on a frequent basis, as I think of new things I want to add. So, check back for edits and updates.
A) Blind - Well, mostly. I get a lot of questions about this. I have no sight at all in my right eye. Zip, zilch, nada, and have not had any since I was six, so am used to it. In the left eye, it is as though someone smeared a thick layer of vaseline over a window. I see swirly, blurry shapes and colors. My pupil is always dilated, so I am quite sensitive to light. I see it very well. Too well. However, I do not view any of this as a handicap. In fact, it is something of a blessing in disguise. So don't pity me, I don't pity myself.
B) Height: 5'6", or very nearly, and content with it. Though I'll still wear heels and become taller.
C) Weight - 223 lbs at my last weighing.
D) Hair: Subject to change without notice. Currently a combination of a darker, sort of blood-red undertones with brilliantly bright (so much so I can see it in direct sunlight), fire-alarm-red shade, and I am also in the process of growing it out again. It is thick, slightly curly, and soft. I think it is my best feature, personally. At the moment, it has grown to halfway down my back.
E) Other stuff - Dark blue eyes, kind of. Fair, soft skin. B cup breasts. Also, I'm cute. Mew.
F) Cute - Well, I think I am. Granted, I can't see my own reflection in a mirror.
A) Kitten - This is hard to explainin a short blurb, but I have the personality and character traits of a kitten. This is a bit deeper than just me being cute and playful, though there's some of that, too. I do kitten-play in the BDSM scene, but again, it goes a bit deeper than that. But if you treat me like a kitten, I'm going to be happy.
B) Submissive - Yes, I am a kinky wench. I am very much into the whole BDSM thing, and I identify as submissive. That doesn't mean I am a door mat, though. Anyone who knows me would likely snort out loud at the very idea of me being a meek little thing.
C) Shy - At first, yes, I am. When you get to know me, I'll open right up, but when you don't, I am unlikely to make the first move to start up a conversation. Also, plunk me in the middle of a group, and I will shut up quick. This only seems to apply to groups, though. One on one, or online, I'm a lot more open. I also am a lot less shy when acting in one of my official capacities (ie: Volunteer Coordinator or, board member, or member of the orientation committee)
D) Sensual - I am not just talking about sex, though hey, I do love sex. I am addicted to my senses, especially touch. I am a texture junkie, from the glossy smoothness of leather to the soft rasp of velvet, to the whisper of silk. I like to touch others, and be touched in return. Scents have a strong influence on me, both positive and negative. I love different kinds of light, especially the soft, silver radiance of a full moon or flickering orange-gold glow of candlelight. Tastes can make me melt into a puddle, and sounds tell me a lot about my environment, and can heavily sway my emotions. So, yes. I am addicted to all five senses, even the one that doesn't work so well.
E) Self Deprecating - If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? I crack jokes about my blindness all the time. Or other aspects of myself. It is just my way.
F) Affectionate - I am a total cuddle slut. I will hug, snuggle, stroke, touch, grope... well... you get the point. I don't always have to know you well, though I am usually faster to do this with those who identify as female than those who identify as male. I don't know why that is. So, if you are uncomfortable with this, I urge you to either gently let me know, or else don't come too close.
G) Geek - And proud of it. I am smart. I read fantasy and science fiction. I should really make wikipedia or google my home page, since I will randomly go off and research something that has just caught my interest.
H) Spiritual - I am not religious. I do not belong to any particular faith. But I am a deeply spiritual person.
I) Girly: I like pink. I like pretty things. I like to dress up. But, and I realize how odd this is, I loathe shopping. All in all, though, I'm very girly.
J) Dedicated: I am very much dedicated to the local BDSM community. This includes the local playspace/society, the Society of Bastet, which I will always work to support and expand, but it goes further than that. The community is more than our society, and I consider myself dedicated to the whole, both as an entire group, and the individuals that make it up. Gods know we aren't perfect, but there are an awful lot of wonderful people in it.
K) Vulnerable - I tend to swing back and forth on this one. At heart, there is a lot of vulnerability, but I'm like a pendulem when it comes to showing it or hiding it. That does mean that I do need reassurance. Even if I'm not actively seeking it, or pretending I don't mean it, when it comes down to it, I do. That doesn't mean I'm weak or emotionally frail, because I'm not. It just means I'm human.
L) Poly: I know polyamory means different things to different people. To me, it means I am capable of loving more than one, and that love of one does not diminish love of another. It does not mean that I am having sex with everything that moves or offers. But, if you have any interest in me, you have to be able to accept this, as it is unlikely to change. However, the precise terms are negotiable. If I found the right partner, say, I could very likely limit myself to only playing with others without sex or emotion, but it would have to be a very special person.
M) Sassy: I most certainly can be. I'm not quite in the brat category, mind you, as I don't do this just to get punished/attention, but I am definitely a sub with an attitude, sometimes.
N) Independant - Sometimes, too much so. This is particularly true where it relates to my blindness. I am submissive, and I do crave control, but there are parts of my spirit that will always want to fly free and do things for myself, and it is in your best interest to respect that, or you'll find me chafing against the restrictions. I suppose the trick is to work with me to figure out together which parts need the control, and which the freedom. I chalk this up to my feline aspect.
O) Shameless Flirt - This is actually an understatement. Once I get past the shyness, I will flirt with pretty much anyone. Usually, it doesn't mean a thing but that I like you, but if it makes you uncomfortable, please just gently tell me, and I will cease and desist.
P) Adorable - I am damned fucking cute, and proud of it.
What A Girl Wants
This is more specific to anyone wondering what it takes to get me. Men always say that women are hard to figure out and there should be a book. This isn't that book, but it is a good guideline for me.
A) Intelligence - Biggest aphrodesiac ever. I'm sorry, but if I perceive you as less intelligent than I am, I won't respect you enough to be interested. The good news is that I tend to assume you to be intelligent until proven wrong. The bad news? I will judge your intelligence by your use of the English language. So don't start sending me badly written messages, or talk to me like you dropped out in first grade.
B) Dominant - Do I want you to pull me over your shoulder and carry me off, caveman style? Well, okay, there are times that appeals to me, but really... not so much. Outside of play, I prefer a far more subtle domination, but I am still old fashioned enough to prefer you to take the lead.
C) My Hair - Nothing will both get my attention and make me weak in the knees faster than grabbing me by the hair and pulling. Pull softly. Pull firmly. It doesn't matter, this is one of my biggest triggers. I mean it. Try it and see what happens.
D) Affection - I might want you to flog me until I scream, tie me down and have your rough way with me, but I also want you to hold me, stroke my hair and flesh, and tell me I am a good girl. I want to be nurtured.
E) Anticipation - If you want to do something to me, tell me about it. In lurid detail. I'll likely wind up whimpering if you do this... and wanting it as much as you do.
Miscellaneous Facts
These are things that just didn't fit anywhere else, really.
A) I sleep with a stuffed animal. While I am emotionally attached to it (a teddy bear Sir gave me), any stuffed animal, or pillow, will do. I just need to wrap my arms around something and tuck it under my chin to be comfortable.
B) If I could choose an epitaph for my own eventual tombstone, it would simply be: She loved.
C) I have crazy exam phobia. It doesn't matter how much ass I've kicked on preceding ones or how well I know my stuff. In the last day or two before one, I become convinced I will utterly fail. And I bitch about this fact. It's probably very annoying to witness.
D) I analyze myself way too much.
E) My favourite pet name of endearment is kitten. My favourite derogatory one is slut.
F) Some day, I really want to swim with dolphins.
G) My favourite place in all the world is Disney. I want to go there with kinky friends... don't ask me why. If I got married, I'd want to go there on a honeymoon. It's my happy place.
H) Every time I comment on a picture, I wonder how many people are confused by it.
And there you have it. Any questions? Ask, I obviously have no problem with baring my soul.
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