** Warning: The happy Kitten is not in today. What follows is a bit of a rant. **
I always talk about how proud I am that my local community is so accepting. If I manage to continue this blog, you're likely going to see that come up frequently. But right now, I'm feeling as though someone is out to prove me wrong.
Yesterday, on FetLife, a rant went up. It started simply, if snarkily enough. I'm paraphrasing here, but just barely: Is it just me, or is everyone suddenly into the AB/Little lifestyle? A trend, I assure you, that I will not be following.
(Brief pause to explain. AB stands for "Adult baby". AB/Little play is a term used to explain the kink of age regression. For many, it has nothing to do with sexuality. That isn't true for all, but it is for most. It also isn't about incest. It is about going back to feeling safe, loved, protected and innocent. For the AB's, it often involves wearing diapers, for all it involves dressing like a child, coloring in books, and playing with toys and letting all the worry and stress of adult life vanish. It is a very tabboo and misunderstood part of BDSM. In many places, people really frown on it and shun those who admit to being into it, so many AB's and Littles hide that side of themselves.)
Our community is different. It has always been very open and accepting. We are enormously open minded in many respects. Many still don't understand the kink, and are not into it, but they openly accept and encourage those who are. I'm all for that. But that one note spawned an entire day's worth of commenting. There were over 60 comments by the time I went to bed. Some were defending the AB's and Littles, but the ones who weren't, were very confrontational, going so far as to call the group closet pedophiles.
This was followed by something else. The BBW (big beautiful woman) issue. When it comes to fashion, even fetish fashion and photography, when a photographer wants to do a hot and sexy shoot, they almost always choose the thin girls. Unless it's for a BBW fetish series. A bunch of we larger women decided it would be fun to get together and do a BBW shoot, with one of the really talented local photographers. A very positive thing... I thought it was, until someone who is actually a good friend of mine bitched to me about how she felt left out because she was thin. This was a "what the fuck?" moment for me. How dare we exclude the type that always gets the sexy spotlight... we're such bad people. Much as I adore the one who said that, I have to admit it got my hackles well and truly up, though I kept it from her.
So, the Kitten is a bit cranky today. But will stop ranting now.
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